Transport Swab (AMIES)

  • Transport Swab for safe sample collection and transportation.
  • Securely holds samples during transit.
  • Maintains sample viability for accurate results.
  • User-friendly and hygienic design.
  • Versatile tool for medical diagnostics and other applications.

Rs 8,750.00

or 3 installments of Rs2,916.67 with

or 3 X Rs 2,916.67 with Koko Koko

Crucial instrument designed to ensure the safe and efficient collection and transportation of samples. With a secure design, it holds samples securely, safeguarding their integrity throughout the journey. This swab is not only user-friendly but also instrumental in maintaining sample viability, which is essential for accurate results. Whether used in medical diagnostics or other applications, our Transport Swab is versatile and reliable, contributing to the seamless and effective handling of specimens.